This is how you can create reminder in Excel using VBA, these codes helps you to remind when you open your excel workbook
Y: remind me
N : don't remind me
On VBE (ALT + F11) and in the project explorer window, double click on "ThisWorkbook". Paste the code below.
Private Const reminder As Integer = 1
Private reminderNext As Variant
Public Sub RemindMe()
currentTime = Time
nextMin = CDate(Format(Time + 1 / (24 * 60), "hh:mm"))
myrows = Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
For thisrow = 2 To myrows
If (Cells(thisrow, "D") = "X") Then
thistime = CDate(CDate(Cells(thisrow, "A")) + Cells(thisrow, "B"))
If ((thistime >= Now) And (thistime <= Now + 1 * reminder / (24 * 60))) Then task = task & vbCrLf & Cells(thisrow, "C") & " at " & Format(Cells(thisrow, "B"), "hh:mm")
End If
End If
Next thisrow
If (task <> "") Then MsgBox task
reminderNext = Now + TimeSerial(0, reminder, 0)
Application.OnTime reminderNext, "ThisWorkbook.remindMe",, True
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Call RemindMe
End Sub
Y: remind me
N : don't remind me
On VBE (ALT + F11) and in the project explorer window, double click on "ThisWorkbook". Paste the code below.
Private Const reminder As Integer = 1
Private reminderNext As Variant
Public Sub RemindMe()
currentTime = Time
nextMin = CDate(Format(Time + 1 / (24 * 60), "hh:mm"))
myrows = Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
For thisrow = 2 To myrows
If (Cells(thisrow, "D") = "X") Then
thistime = CDate(CDate(Cells(thisrow, "A")) + Cells(thisrow, "B"))
If ((thistime >= Now) And (thistime <= Now + 1 * reminder / (24 * 60))) Then task = task & vbCrLf & Cells(thisrow, "C") & " at " & Format(Cells(thisrow, "B"), "hh:mm")
End If
End If
Next thisrow
If (task <> "") Then MsgBox task
reminderNext = Now + TimeSerial(0, reminder, 0)
Application.OnTime reminderNext, "ThisWorkbook.remindMe",, True
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Call RemindMe
End Sub
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