While working with dates, we face several problems like month coming in dates and dates coming in months.
To avoid these I personally recommends use DD-MMM-YY date format. the shortcut key for the same in Alt+Shift+3. select the date column and use this shortcut key. you will Date like 01-Jan-86.
Excel read dates as the format define in the system. you can check the system format on the bottom right of the task bar.
As you seen my system read date as DD-MMM-YYY.
To avoid these I personally recommends use DD-MMM-YY date format. the shortcut key for the same in Alt+Shift+3. select the date column and use this shortcut key. you will Date like 01-Jan-86.
Excel read dates as the format define in the system. you can check the system format on the bottom right of the task bar.
As you seen my system read date as DD-MMM-YYY.
Now we learn how to change the system date format. We can do
this from Control Panel.
Go to Control Pannel.
Select Region.
On Region, in Format Date
Tab change DD-MMM-YY in short Date
under Date and time formats.
Now click on the Additional
settings. On Customize Format
click on Date Tab and change DD-MMM-YY in short
Date under Date formats.
Now Click OK & you have done. Please put your queries & Comment.